Training Times for Adult sessions at our various locations (subject to change)
For Juvenile sessions go to the ''Juvenile/Junior" page.
Tuesday Adult Session - Loreto Park, Nutgrove
Time of Sessions: 18:00 onwards
Location specific rules: There will be separate start points and pods of 6.
Thursday Circuits Session - St. Enda's Park
Time of session: 18:30
Location specific rules: There will be one session of 15 people to start with.
Saturday Adult Session - Tymon Park
Time of Session: 10am
Meet near the playground
Saturday Adult Session- Tallaght Track Session
Time of Sessions: 11am
Location specific rules: Places will be allocated by coaches.
Please read and strictly abide by the Covid training rules below
Most people know by now that because of the Covid-19 pandemic there are strict rules that apply to all athletic club sessions which must be complied with to ensure the safety of all our members and the general public. The nature of the rules is dictated by the HSE/government guidelines and the AAI Covid-19 guidance documents, and are subject to constant change. This document does not override any of this national guidance but applies them to our club.
The most important points are that all sessions must now, without exception, be pre-booked, have a check for Covid symptoms and have everybody strictly adhering to the booked training time. We will try to keep athletes updated regularly on the club website and social media. The following guidelines must be read by all club members before booking a session and must be adhered to.
- At present a maximum of 15 people can gather for a training session (including athletes and coaches). Multiple sessions can be held but must be separated.
A local rule by DLR requires us to limit our pod size to 6 people in Loreto Park on Tuesdays and Marlay Park on Sundays. This is irrespective of Government allowing 15 per pod but we can have multiple separate 6 people pods.
- Training is strictly restricted for now to senior and masters athletes who are fully paid up 2021 members of Rathfarnham WSAF AC and who agree completely with the AAI guidance.
- Club training is only open to those residing within the country.
- Training can only take place where full social distancing is possible.
- All Coaches and athletes must agree to comply with all aspects of the training protocols. Anyone who breaches the protocols will be asked to leave the session immediately.
- A record of all who attend training must be kept by the club for tracing. It is now mandatory to book into a training session beforehand. We have set up a booking system on the Eventbrite App and links will be organised for the sessions. Please ensure that your contact details are always up to date.
- Booking will only be allowed a week in advance. There will be limited places initially so you are asked to book no more than two sessions a week.
- Athletes cannot turn up ad hoc without booking or arrive instead of someone else. If they do they will be turned away because it is mandatory to keep records for contact tracing.
- Swapping groups at a training session is strictly forbidden
- If you book a session it is taken that you agree to be compliant with all Covid-19 prevention checks and protocols.
- Athletes should arrive on time, warmed up and ready to start their training session. Timekeeping is important to ensure there is no overlapping of groups where there are multiple sessions.
- Try and warm up away from the training area and also maintain social distancing rules.
- Do not attend the session if you have had any of the symptoms of Covid-19 in the previous 14 days. These symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, malaise, diarrhoea or loss of sense of taste and smell. If you have these symptoms please contact your GP for advice.
- Do not attend the session if you or any of your close contacts were suspected of having or tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 14 days.
- Do not attend the session if you have been recommended to cocoon.
- If athletes are bringing their own hand sanitiser, face masks, towels or any equipment to training please do not share them.
- Make sure your water bottle is carefully labelled or identifiable and do not share it.
- Hands should be washed before leaving for training
- Athletes should arrive changed or change in their own car. Athletes should travel to the training session alone, or only with a member of the same household.
- Toilet facilities will be open in the Loreto clubhouse on Tuesday evenings but for emergency use only. Please visit the toilet before leaving home.
- Social distancing of 2 meters must be strictly observed at all times between individual members of the training group and between members of the training group and the general public. It has been asked that there be no spitting. There can be no physical contact between the members of the training group and hands should be sanitised if there is any contact with objects.
- Care must be taken of other park users. Run on the left and pass on the right. Use the grass when necessary to maintain social distancing. Please ensure that you give other users adequate space.
- Everyone must be sure to use the now widely publicised correct cough and sneeze etiquette at all times.
- If an individual is injured or becomes ill only one person should attend to them and they should be isolated. The Coaches have access to First Aid kits which contain face masks and disposable gloves. These must be worn by the attending person and any assisting person if that is necessary.
- The post of Rathfarnham WSAF AC’s appointed Covid Safety Officer has very kindly been taken up by PJ Claffey. The Covid Safety Officer has responsibility for managing issues and queries relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. He can be contacted by email at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if there are any issues, concerns or protocol breaches to be reported by email. - Covid compliance officers will also be appointed to assist the Covid safety officer at individual sessions to ensure adherence to protocols and address breaches immediately.
- You must follow the instructions of the coach or compliance officer at all times.
- The Coaches/Covid officers inform people about compliance protocols but it is the individual’s personal responsibility to be aware of and to comply with these protocols.
- There will be a roll call, briefing and Covid screening questioning before each session. This is why punctuality is essential.
- If any equipment or objects are used during training they must be cleaned with disinfectant wipes. Use of training equipment is restricted for now.
- When training finishes athletes must leave promptly and not hang around in groups.
- Check the club website for all updates
Before each training session you will be asked the following screening questions:
- Have you had Covid-19 in the last 14 days?
- Have you been in contact with anybody diagnosed with Covid-19 or who is suspected of having Covid-19 in the last 14 days?
- Have you had any of the symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 14 days? These include fever, cough, shortness of breath, feeling unwell with flu like symptoms, diarrhoea or loss of sense of taste and smell.
- Are you cocooning or are you in a high risk health category for Covid-19.
If you answer yes to any of these questions please do not attend the session or leave immediately if you are present.